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Beauty Recipes - simple recipes you can do at home

Beauty RecipesThese simple beauty recipes are easy to make and will save you a trip to the beauty store - you'll find most of the ingredients at home. These are also fun to make yourself!

Cucumber eye pads

Slices of cucumber placed on the eye area can reduce puffiness. I have used this often and it is really soothing and it smells great. Give it a try the next time you need to relax... puffiness or no puffiness.

Chamomile teabag relaxing bath

Chamomile is not just for drinking. After a stressful day, toss a tea bag into the bath and then relax for a half hour. Senses are soothed and you will feel great. Perhaps some nice background music would be a nice touch as well.

Avacado hair conditioner

Mash up an avocado with a tablespoon of olive oil and a tsp of baking powder. Mix until well combined and then work the mixture through your hair. Go and surf my site for 15 minutes and then wash out.

Mayonnaise eye make-up remover

This recipe will take you seconds. All it takes is a trip to your refrigerator for a jar of mayonnaise. Scoop a little into a smaller jar and then use as required. Apply gently using fingertip and remove with a wet cotton ball. Refrigerate remaining mayonnaise.


This is an easy craft and the results will look beautiful in your bathroom. Go to your closest craft store and look for wooden eggs, a bag of fine textured potpourri and a good quality glue. Simply cover the egg in glue and roll in the potpourri. Allow to dry and then display in a basket.

Brown sugar scrub

1 tsp dark brown sugar Dark brown sugar makes a good abrasive skin scrub when combned with your regular soap or facial wash. It dissolves gently and is fine enough to use on the face. You can also scrub the entire body with brown sugar. You'll feel clean and stimulated. If you wish, white sugar may also be used in this recipe. While washing your face, add a teaspoon of dark brown sugar to the lather and massage gently into your skin. rinse your skin with warm water followed by a splash of cold water. Pat dry. Yield: enough for 1 facial cleansing

Aloe vera moisturizer

Aloe Vera gel is sold in jugs these days and it can be the makings of a great moisturizer. All you have to do to personalize it, is to add a few drops of your favourite essential oil to the gel to make an all-over moisturizer.

Raw egg hair conditioner

Did you know that raw eggs can be used as part of your beauty routine and not just on your face? You can also use them in your hair for conditioning and adding shine. Here are two recipes that you can use before you shampoo or after. The choice is yours.